Ruediger, Re the output of a large speaker for potential use as a seismometer: Your experiment with the 100x amplifier and speaker does show that the moving coil can generate a voltage with indescernable motions, like fanning air against the speaker. This, however, is a very large signal when compared with seismic ground motions. In fact, even miniscule thermal convection WITHIN the case of a seismometer can be a large signal, and we have resorted to small (10 watt) heaters in the topmost part of large seismometer cases to try to stratify (hotter at the top) the air within the case. We also put insulation between the pier and the bottom of the case, since earth heat transmitted through the pier would cause a thermal inversion within the case. Some modern and pricy VBB sensors are installed in a vacuum bell. Here are some numbers that may help clarify the sensitivity question. I have measured the coil constant of several large speakers, and the constants run from 10 to 20 Volts/meter/second. By comparison, small high-frequency geophones run about 40 V/M/s, larger 1 hz and up seismometers run 200 to 500, and fedback (electronic) seismometers have an output of 1000 V/m/s and up. In our normal use of a 1 hz seismometer with 270 V/m/s (the L-4C with a 5500 ohm coil), remote station sites have required amplifier gains of 60 to 78 db (x 1000 to x 8000) for optimal sensitivity to both near-field and distant earthquakes. We use a damping/attenuation network that provides 100V/m/sec into the amplifier, which after the gain of 4000, gives 0.4 volt/micron/second. With an electronic noise level of around 1 millivolt, our resolution is about 2.5 nanometers/second, and our maximum signal is 4 volts = 10 microns/second. (I have such a "short period" telemetered station in the back field of the farm here). The station is sensitive to any Mb 3.0 event within several hundred kilometers, and most 1-second p-waves from teleseisms. So to use a speaker with 10 V/m/sec, an amplifier gain of about 10 times what we use for the L4-C would be needed, or something like 8000 to 80,000. This could result in a fairly noisy amplifier since several stages would be required (we use two stages for the 78db amplifier; the schematic of which is posted). But this is workable with proper filtering. But a low output from the coil/magnet is not the main problem with a speaker. The compliance of the speaker suspension is rather stiff for seismometer use. I chopped a speaker cone and the back webbing into spider strips to still support the coil, but was unable to sense the earth microseism background of about 1 micron at 6-seconds. Since I had glued on about 10 each 1/4" lead shot balls as a mass, eventually the speaker suspension sagged and the coil dragged. I think that carefully winding a coil (ie forget the drill) for a maximum number of turns within the magnet gap, but enough length either side to have a linear output, will produce the best signal. The output increases with the square root of the coil resistance if all the other dimensions are the same (ie more turns means smaller wire in the same volume so the resistance increases; see the Riedesel paper). But given unlimited space, it is a function of the number of turns within the magnet gap. Various trade-offs seem to favor using wire about #36 size to achieve coils of a few thousand turns and several hundred ohms for strong magnets. Regards, Sean-Thomas _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
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