Hi , After Ed's suggestion on the infra sound possibility, I did some more investigation on the 'noise' spike when the Molniya 1-67, Russian communications satellite re-entered above my location. (27th Jan 2000 at 14:50:28 UT). I checked the professional Seismometers via an AutoDrm request, and this showed no event. Then as the final check I looked at the magnet recordings form a magnetic observatory some 900 km away. Bingo, at the time of my observation there is a distinct spike in the magnetic records at 14:50UT. All three component's of the magnetic field showed the effect. That data is available for the next week or so at: ftp://ftp.ips.gov.au/asfc/data/mag/lea/rawdata/images/learaw.000127.gif I cant explain what caused the effect but it looks very interesting against the seismometer recordings and the visual observation. Arie Ed Thelen wrote: > I knew a guy who lived under the landing pattern for Los Angles > International air port. He ran a garden gate type seismograph > adjusted to about 20 seconds natural period. He said that > even though it was in a little shed in the back yard, > the seismograph had to be carefully covered with a good box > or he would be affected by planes flying low overhead. > > Could there have been an non-audible pressure wave from the > fireball that pushed the boom of the seismometer a tiny bit? > > I don't know if a shock wave from say 50 Km high event > (presumably a very audible sharp step in pressure) > gets converted to a slow rising pressure wave that > humans don't hear at ground level. > > (I do know that a supersonic Hustler bomber flying at > say 30,000 feet makes a very audible window rattling > "BOOM" at ground level.) _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>