RADIOTEL@....... wrote: > Meredith, et all > > I recently visited Meredith Lambs's web page and viewed his SG seismo with a > hall effect sensor. Is the SG with hall effect sensor as sensitive as the > original SG configuration? Theres alot of variables here that determine sensitivity. Technically I've never tried to measure it on a actual operating SG. Earlier methods used by Bob Lamb showed variations of roughly 25mv on up too ~ 40+mv per each .001", which is dependent on the gain of the amplifier AND, how close the Hall is too the center of the 4 pole magnet/s used. The Hall device itself has a amplifier which I'am guessing the gain is about 350. The circuit on the web site and I use has a gain of 5 which with the amplifier gain ends up around ~1800. I have no idea of how sensitive the capactive model of SG really is; but I wouldn't be surprised if the Hall versus the capacitive model isn't fairly similar. The Hall device is technically overdriven in the circuit, however the linearity is still (?+ - 5%?) very good for this use. > What is the period range for an SG with hall > effect sensors? The physical period is always going to be short, as they are simply a hanging pendulum. However, they are subject to seismic wave tilt like any seismometer, and here is where with the amplifier and its "period" adjusting capacitors, one can pick what they want. Betcha this is confusing to alot of people. The Hall device can be operated in its Tilt mode (relatively linear displacement) or, Frequency mode (with its capacitor, resistor bleed off function). The circuit on the web site uses both aspects, one for mechanical adjustment, and the other frequency mode for normal operation with a null voltage point. At the moment, I use 30mfd mylar caps on the amplifiers; which roughly equates to some 30 seconds max. The output roughly matches the output of the Sprengnether coil & magnet affairs I also operate, and compare too. So....while the physical period is some 1.05s, the actual seismic wave tilt of the seismometer will be followed, up to the value of the capacitors used. I don't think any higher than 30mfd is really necessary. >Is the electronics easier to make ( it certainly seems so). Quite abit easier, but, some of the components like the zenors, mylar caps, and precision pots used could rack up the cost...but, it depends on what you want to financially settle for. Being totally biased for the Hall, it is probably the simpliest, and cheapest route to a non-precision seismometer I've ever seen. I got virtually all the parts via surplus outlets cheaper than commercial outlets prices. One important note...I'am not very technically qualified for much more than simple details, nor has any effort been made to "go for any max" seismo output, nor any extensive followup on alot of specifics. Operationally the 2 Hall S-G's I have been working well over a year now. Once the pier and mechanics settle down, the adjustments have been infrequent, and often done via the amplifier which is away from the seismometers. The hairest part of building the seismometer is the .002" brass hinges and installing them without crimping/bending them. They need to be thin to flex. Thicker hinges didn't work with the ~3.5 pound mass. None have broken from the weight yet. The eddy current damping of the mass is the most unorthodox feature I use. Its probably overdamped but it works well. This is probably the most difficult part to simulate, but with neodymium magnets and certain aluminium, or copper plates it can be done. Its probably easier to do so on a hanging pendulum like this as the movement is so slight, than if it were a normal gatehinge type seismo. The Hall S-G's don't seem to have the range as the Sprengnether coil and magnet affairs. To be fair though, the Sprengnethers do have huge signal generating coil magnets. Being as I have to operate in a city environment....they do very well overall. Big quakes can saturate the Halls output on the SDR program. Roughly 4000 bits is about the limit with the Allegro 3515, but the 3503 could possibly extend this limitation to perhaps twice that capacity; as it has roughly half the sensitivity. The Hall circuit shouldn't be construed as being only useful in a S-G. I've used one on a horizontal Sprengnether for a day or two, and with the Allegro 3503, it did well, as a additional output besides only the coil/magnet output. For its lesser movement range, the seismometer has to be mechanically stable and on a seasoned pier. For all practical purposes the Hall circuit could even serve as a zero point indicator with other sensors on the same seismo; if one wished to do so. Robert Lamb did very well developing this circuit; its a very good one. > Any comments anyone has would be appreciated. > Jim Allen > Cerritos, California Take care, Meredith Lamb _____________________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
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