Brett and Karl, Interesting work on the STS-1 leaf spring. The complexity of it reassures my own decision to avoid it and use a simple linear spring configuration. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to dismantle a STS-1 to examine the hidden details. (but there is an interesting thought: just what major new insight into seismometer design will make those pricey pups so obsolete that they show up on ebay for $100 ? !!). I have heard (a rumor?) that they will not be made anymore because of the cost, and since the STS-2 is suitable for most applications. The advertised mass of the STS-1 is 0.6 kg. The mechanical period of the vertical used in calculating the response is 6 seconds. But note that the mechanical period only affects the damping in a VBB fedback system. The closed loop period is controlled by Cp, RI, and TI. As the sensor is tilted over backwards toward the hinge, the period will become infinite as the restoring force approaches zero. It seems that the micro-manipulative factory adjustments of the spring are made to achieve this, along with modifications of the thermal contributions of the two different spring materials. However, with the feedback turned on, long term changes in the mechanical period result in only very small changes in the damping and closed loop period. When the seismometers are installed, both the vertical and the horizontal are physically adjusted by tilting the base so that barely sustained constant amplitude self oscillations are achieved at a Tn of 20 seconds by the closed loop with the feedback resistor Rp disconnected. This way a specific mechanical period is achieved so that the factory calibration is replicated in the field. As for the clamping bars, I can only guess. An old technique used for clamping leaf springs involves a raised rounded ridge (or even a small hardened rod installed in a groove) on one side of the clamps' fixed half towards the spring body. The screwed clamp was outside this, and tighting the screws pivoted the spring over the ridge, changing the exit angle from the clamp and therefore the torque applied to the end of the spring. If this is the case for the STS-1, tightening the screws would change the ellipticity of the springs. Regards, Sean-Thomas __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>