This is a very late comment on the local noise question. In exploration seismic work geophone arrays were used to filter local noise. The signals from several geophnes would be summed. The noise would be out of phase at the geophones but the signal would be in phase. In reflection work that assumption is more justified than in earthquake or refraction seismology as in reflection the signal is coming more or less straight up. Has this ever been used in earthquake seismology? The usual answer to noise is a quiet location but with educational seismometers rather than research seismometers, location near the classroom is important. Second. There is a new chip that is up to a 6 pole analog filter. The configuration of the filter is set in a device similar to an EPROM burner. The software that comes with it has full design features such as simulation of amplitude and phase. Unfortunately I threw the flier away but I am trying to find the manufacturer through other channels. This could be helpful in designing filters for local noise. If anyone knows the web site of the manufacturer please let me know. I will continue to try to find it by other sources, Tom Schmitt tschmitt@.............. __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>