Guys, The postage to Bermuda from the US at the "printed matter" air rate for 50 single sided pages (9 oz. with envelope) is $3.63. If it was going to Australia or NZ it would be $5.95 postage. If you do 50 pages with double sided copies, this still is 5 ounces with the envelope. The printed matter airmail postage to Bermuda is $2.35 or to Aus/ NZ would be $3.75 My guess is that Ted didn't include postage beyond US borders when he made the offer. Five bucks is a bargain any way you look at it. Regards, Erich Kern -----Original Message----- From: mbrewerTo: 'psn-l@............... Date: Friday, April 28, 2000 7:24 PM Subject: RE: Anatomy of Seismograms Ted, I would love to have a copy, but how do I get the $5 to you. It will cost me $4 to buy a bank draft. It is still a LOT less than $65. Would you happen to be coming to Bermuda soon? Regards, Martin __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>