I just discovered an interesting article on the development of an absolute differential gravimeter that appeared in an unusual place. As a ametuer seismometer builder, I found the article fascinating to see what the big boys do. The article appeared in the March 2000 issue of "Laser Focus World," on pp20-24. For you non-subscribers the article can be seen on the web at: http://lfw.pennwellnet.com/home/articles.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=66006&VERSION_NUM=1& PUBLICATION_ID=12&Section=CurrentIssue Now I have had trouble emailing long URL's before, so if this isn't clickable, try to copy and paste it into the address box of your browser. And if that doesn't work you can go the the magazine's main web address http://lfw.pennwellnet.com/home/home.cfm and then select "current Issue" then World News" then the article "Interferometry, Fiber Coupling improves Gravimeters" George Bush Sea Ranch, CA, USA 38.74N, 123.5W __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>