On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, George Bush wrote: > I just discovered an interesting article on the development of an absolute > differential gravimeter that appeared in an unusual place. As a ametuer > seismometer builder, I found the article fascinating to see what the big > boys do. The article appeared in the March 2000 issue of "Laser Focus > World," on pp20-24. For you non-subscribers the article can be seen on the > web at: > http://lfw.pennwellnet.com/home/articles.cfm?ARTICLE_ID=66006&VERSION_NUM=1& > PUBLICATION_ID=12&Section=CurrentIssue > Now I have had trouble emailing long URL's before, so if this isn't > clickable, try to copy and paste it into the address box of your browser. > And if that doesn't work you can go the the magazine's main web address > http://lfw.pennwellnet.com/home/home.cfm > and then select "current Issue" then World News" then the article > "Interferometry, Fiber Coupling improves Gravimeters" > George Bush George, There was a horribly written article about an incredibly interesting subject a few years back in Scientific American. Even though the article did not belong in the magazine, you might be interested in reading it. It was about a gravity gradiometer that had been designed to help submarines "see" the topography on the ocean floor and avoid collision with sea mounts. They needed a passive method to see the ocean floor so that they would not be detected. Supposedly this thing worked great (too bad all the data they collected is classified). Anyways, the company that made it was allowed to contract its use out to some geophysical concerns, such as finding oil and natural gas resevoirs. The company takes a huge amount of money, throws this thing in a boat and drives around for a while. They take the data, reduce it, and then sell portions of it for commercial use. Nobody is allowed to buy one of these instruments, or use one for themselves. This is the reason it did not belong in the magazine: it was really an ad for the company. The exact technology is still classified, so it is like a magical black box. Anyways, this device produces higher resolution images for finding density anomalies than seismic methods, and does not require a whole lot of fancy deployment except for position tracking and recording instruments, and so is a lot easier to use than seismic arrays. I found this hard to believe when I first heard it, but then again I was only used to absolute vertical gravity measurements. So I had to find out about it a little further. The gravity gradient is the change in the gravity for each direction (down, east, north) within a given distance and with respect to each direction. So the downward component of gravity changes differently in the down, east and west directions, and likewise for the east and north components of gravity. This makes nine different combinations of gradients that can be examined. One of those nine components can tell you an awful lot more than an absolute gravity measurement, so just imagine having nine of them. Well, it turns out that some of the components are equal, and the total number of unique components is reduced to six. For example, the change in the down component of gravity with respect to north is equal to the change in the north component of gravity with respect to the down direction. In addition, the three terms where the component changes in each of its directions is regulated by the fact that a gravitational field is divergenceless, which means these three gradients must sum to 0. So that makes five unique components, from which the other four can be determined. All nine components are referred to as the "gravity gradient tensor." This machine is supposed to have rotatiing parts and sensors inside some kind of black spherical shell. It is very mysterious, and I would love to see inside one some day. I am sure everyone else would be interested too... I guess I would have to hijack one of their ships or something if I wanted to get it, but that won't happen any time soon. Perhaps the PSN could mount an expedition, and the media would try and figure out if PSN stood for some kind of terrorist organization or something. Anyhow, enjoy! John Hernlund E-mail: hernlund@....... WWW: http://www.public.asu.edu/~hernlund/ ****************************************************************************** __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>