Dear Brett Nordgren, The 'zero force' hinge analysis given in zerohng2.pdf as referred to the rolling cylinders, may be easier to understand if you think of it in a different manner. Consider two equal diameter pulleys with fixed parallel axes of rotation having a crossed belt running around them, giving contra-rotation. When you turn one pulley, the other moves through the same angle, but in the opposite sense. If you now fix one pulley and allow the axis of the other to rotate around it, the moving pulley rotates twice while going once around the fixed pulley. The position of the crossover of the belt moves in a circle half way between the pulleys. This analysis can be extended to circles of different diameter with different 'belt' lengths. The slight 'catch' about this 'zero force' design is that unless the belt is 'completely flexible', bending the belt over the pulleys involves a force which tends to pull the pulleys together - the natural shape of the 'straight bit' forming the hinge is actually 'S' shaped. Regards, Chris Chapman __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>