re: following message - 20 years ago, creep measurements were plagued by many surprising (to clean handed city dwellers and college students) problems. I visited an installation near Hollister, CA one weekend. The maintenance technician was there, and doing the usual: - cleaning out crickets, and even mice that had burrowed through the cracks and other real separations between various walls, tubes, holes for wires, ... - manually clearing out mud from the wires and strain gauge heads due to a "once in a hundred year storm", which seemed to come every year or so. - re-adjusting the time standard by comparing the phase of the 400 wave from the on site time unit and the 400 cycle wave from the WWV receiver using a big vacuum tube osciloscope. This was before GPS and similar technologies - - ah - for the good old days ;-) Enjoy Ed Thelen S-T Morrissey wrote: > > Jim, > > The first task when considering strainmeters or tiltmeters is just > what range of strain or displacement is expected over what period of > time. If you have an active fault crossing a paved road, a linear > line of nails makes a great creepmeter for movements of centimeters > per year. For continuous measurements a taught wire (often of Invar > or carbon fiber) is stretched across the fault at an oblique angle > inside a large (eg 6") ABS pipe between buried concrete vaults (pre- > cast septic tanks are used). Often several fiber creepmeters are installed > in parallel using the same pipe, vaults, and monuments. Extra fibers > are set aside as spares, and using different wires or fibers allows > temperature compensation. > One end of the wire or fiber is anchored to a large a monument in as deep > a hole as you can afford, and the free end is coupled to a displacement > transducer anchored to a similar monument. In hard rock sites, earth- > tide resolution has been achieved at 10^-7 strain. Otherwise surface > hydrology limits useful long term measurements, unless large movements > are expected, such as 2 to 3 cm/year at Parkfield and Hollister in CA. > Much work has been done trying to get reproducible data, especially > in surface installations, over time periods of tectonic interest, like > YEARS. After a number of wishful claims of success, surface strain > or creep measurements have faded away except in locations with very > active tectonics. There are no cheap or easy ways to do this. __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>