In a message dated 13/06/00 00:54:31 GMT Daylight Time, CapAAVSO@....... writes: > I want to cut and bend some mu-metal to make a core for a flux gate. I > have been told the core will need to be annealed to restore its permeability > or the flux gate won't work very well. Can anyone tell me how to anneal a > toroidal core about 5 cm in diameter? When we had some tubular Mu-Metal shields made to screen photo-multipliers, they were rolled from sheet, Argon arc welded and then heat treated in hydrogen. If I remember correctly, the hydrogen prevents oxidation and also reduces selective evaporation of the alloy. I don't remember the temperature. The heat treatment anneals the metal and allows crystal growth. The final product was definitely rather brittle. The straight fluxgate sensors used to be made from insulated wire to reduce eddy current problems. If you have really thin foil, you could probably just roll up a multi turn coil, but the metal probably wouldn't have it's optimal magnetic properties. This might not be too critical in a toroidal core so long as the whole length had the same properties. If you can get a used tubular welded shield, could you varnish it thoroughly, scribe it and then etch rings from it? Dud Geophones? CRT shields? (Mine cost 60 c) There are some 'new' ferrites on the market with 'square' characteristics. See FairRite, Arnolds, muRata, Ferroperm, Siemens (and Philips if you can get their * Website to work) Ferrites tend not to have serious eddy current problems, but may be more temperature sensitive. METGLAS alloys are also available with phenomenal properties. See Honeywell at Sorry not to be more encouraging. Hope that this is of some help. It rather depends on your application. I would just try making a core. You would probably need more drive field, but so what? 5 cm sounds like a Jumbo size. Several companies market fluxgate sensors, but that's not like making your own. Regards, Chris Chapman __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>