another couple of cents: The isolation transformers used in network cards are good at isolating computers on different ground systems, but aren't very good at filtering out high-frequency noise. This noise can be conducted from one computer through the network cable to the other computer, or radiated from the cable. You might try looping the network cable through a ferrite toroid core several times so that the start and finish ends of the winding are opposite each other on the core. Then experiment with different locations and numbers of these ferrite cores on the network cables. A similar scheme significantly helped interference I had between one of my computers and WWVB reception. -- Karl At 09:54 PM 7/5/2000 -0700, Charles wrote: >Your LAN connection generally >uses isolated transformer coupling and shouldn’t be able to >significantly radiate. __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>