Karl, I am quite sure it is a Butterworth. The characteristics of a Butterworth are, all the resonators are tuned to the same frequency and the gains of the individual stages match the Butterworth tables I have. BTW It is easy enough to convert the filter to Bessel by changing the R and C values. If anyone is interested I will calculate the values and post them. The design is a little suspest in that it was advertized as a 1 Hz filter but the components are for a 1.59 Hz. I think the designer forgot to convert from radians to Hz. At 02:59 PM 9/11/00 -0700, you wrote: >Hi Jim -- > >I agree with Sean-Thomas regarding the use of Bessel filters. Other kinds >of filters will distort the waveforms. > >I don't think the filter shown in the schematic you referenced is even a >Butterworth. I entered the component values into a simulation program and >found it has an 8:1 peak near its cutoff frequency. That's not good for >seismic work. > >Regards, >Karl > Jim Hannon http://soli.inav.net/~jmhannon/ 42,11.90N,91,39.26W WB0TXL __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>