Hi all, Merry Christmas everyone. Curiosity thought. Anyone using 4 pole salvaged computer neo magnets with regular coils in a seismo? Somewhat akin to the Wondermagnet/Forcefield items....like: http://www.wondermagnet.com/dev/magnet42.html Even just using one magnet, with a coil moving laterally across the face seems to be just as good as using a large old alnico magnet with the coil between the poles in visual hand/meter tests. Two neo magnets mounted in the usual "U" iron frame fashion seems to be 2 to 4 times output better, than using just one. I think their is 4 fields between the magnets....but they don't seem to contradict the coil output at all. Two minor fields on each magnet, and the major attracting fields between the spaced magnets. I used old iron curtain rod brackets, mechanically coupled for the "U" frame. Each magnet is simply magnetically placed on each inside face of the brackets. This may lessen the overall magnetic field overall. I haven't tried any spaced but magnetically attracting and facing magnets, without, a iron frame but it could show a difference or change in result? The coil works best when centered down and between the magnets....unlike a usual alnico magnet where the coil is roughly 1/2 in the magnet opposing faces. I used a 2K "pancake" shaped coil. I do note some eddy current damping when the leads are shorted. Naturally a lower resistance coil would be better, or, 2-3 (2k) coils in parallel would be more effective. Think the subject has been covered before to some degree in the past emails...but I dread spending days going through all them past PSN emails files.....ha. Take care, Meredith Lamb __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>