> If I don't see the microseisms I try to find out what went wrong. > Seismologists have not gone to all the effort of piers, vaults, proximity > to bedrock, etc, because they have too much money (fat chance), but to > reduce the noise of the instrument environment. Some of us are operating our systems under constraints that rich seismologists never dreamed of. For instance my Lehman is on the carpeted slab in an office building and my landlord would not be pleased if I damaged the carpet. I can imagine other non ideal locations such as upper floors in buildings, but they may be the only available or most convenient location. Perhaps these "less than ideal" locations should not be eliminated without an experimental test since there seems to be no basic physics that excludes them a priori. The two most important empirical tests seem to be: 1. is the level stable over time? 2. can it detect microseisms? My one data point with a Lehman on carpeted floor suggests that detecting microseisms is no problem, and long term level stability is not a problem if you are willing to put up with noise spikes from occasional floor tilts due to building operation and occupancy. BTW: I liked the idea of resting the entire Lehman on a slab of glass. That might make the carpet even less of a factor. I will give it a try. Ciao, Dave Saum __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>