Stacey, Thanks for the news and links. It's a terrible tragedy when so many people are killed in an earthquake. This scene will be repeated somewhere in the world until building are built strong enough to withstand strong shaking. The price (an extra 10% I understand) may seem like a lot when a building is being built, but after an earthquake it seems like a small price to pay for so many lives. Yours, John At 09:39 AM 1/27/2001 , you wrote: >Hi, > I wish I could have set up my PSN station, but I haven't and have thus >missed the biggest quake we've had in 50 years. I did feel it though and >that... John C. Lahr 1925 Foothills Road Golden, CO 80402 (303) 215-9913 john@........ __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>