From Edward Cranswick.... ----- Original Message ----- From:To: Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 9:22 AM Subject: First Reports from India > Topic: First Reports from India > Author: Buddy Schweig schweig@................ > > About 20 of you have sent me Bill Lettis's first report to Susan > Tubessing of EERI. Bill is co-leader of the EERI team. Here it is: > > Dear Susan > > I must rush. It is impossible to get connections on e-mail, so I have dialed > long distance, and am sending this online. > > We have been here for two full days. A quick update. Please send this > update to the extended e-mail list on my original e-mails (i.e., JP Bardet, > Wesnousky, Rockwell, Bray, etc. just to keep everyone informed. > > In no particular order, just brain dump at 2 AM. > > Everyone is working hard and doing great. We have a good team. > > First Day - hectic coordination. No real access, fuel problem for vehicles > in the field (but not really, so all is okay), etc, etc. I think sometimes > that I am gulliBill. > > No food or water readily available like Turkey or Taiwan. EVERYONE should > bring full supply of dried food, nuts, etc to stay in the field until > conditions improve. Need supply of bottled water everyday - daytime temps in > the 80s, dry. No wind though. Bring tent, sleeping bag, and other camp gear > desired, if you want to spend time in the field. Hotels may be available, we > are checking in Ghandi Dam, but most places are damaged. We will see. > Camping may be available with the United Nations near Bhuj, but not sure. > Indian Military not much help so far. We will know tomorrow if we can stay > at the military base. > > Money - bring cash if you go in the field. Hotels in Ahmedabad take visa. > Flying, cars etc want cash. > > Flying is very expensive. $550/hour for fixed wing and $1000 to 1500 /hour > for helicopter. Need to fly in from Ahmedabad so time is minimum of 6 hou rs > to give two hours of reconn. Flying conditions not good. Flight paths > heavily restricted and elevation mandatory over 3000 feet to avoid helicopter > traffic. In other words - lousy air recon at this time. We NEED to get the > Governement of India to help get permission for better recon- we will work on > this over next few days. A helicopter MAY be available in Bhuj airport, thus > we save 4 hours of ferry time from Ahmedabad. We can probably arrange this, > I spoke to pilot directly. Probably plan to spend 3 to 10 k for flying, if > you want to go. > > Air recon results - Interesting: > > We did not observe ANY evidence of surface fault rupture. Highly unusual > given the size of event and amount of probable slip. We did see about 1/2 km > of surface cracking in epicentral area, but this appears to be related to > liquefaction. We will visit this area in the field. However, due to flying > restrictions, we were not able to recon one of the main candidate faults in > the area. This fault is the eastern continuation of the Allah Bund fault and > is right en echelon to the Allah Bund (called the Island Belt Fault). We > will try to visit this fault in the field. It is close to the Pakistani > border, hence flying restrictions. Rockwell and Wesnousky - if you are > coming mainly to characterize surface fault rupture, you may want to wait. > It is interesting that no one has reported fault rupture, including local > people (valuable source usually), media, government, GSI geologists who have > been looking for one week now, and we did not see any from the air. This > strongly suggests that if any occurred, it is up north away from population > an the eastern exstension of the Allah Bund. We will see. ALSO, does anyone > have any preliminary interferometry data to help identify the deformation > field??? This will be a BIG help in doing future recon. > > Lots of liquefaction. At least 500 km2 north of Bhuj on the Banni plains. > Maybe up to 1000 km2. Mostly sand blows, with lots of water - standing > shallow lakes now in many areas. A few lateral spreads, not many that we saw > from the air. We should definitely try to describe the lateral extent and > magnitude of liquefaction relative to epicenter and strong motion data - > great possible data set. > > Kandla Port - did not look too bad from the air. Road to port definitely > damaged from what appears to be lateral spreads. No significant apparent > damage observed from air. We are visiting port in next two days. > > Stable Continental Shield?? I would say definitely not. This area appears > to be an actively growing fold and thrust belt. Lots of anticlines with > apparent Quaternary activity. Folds are assymmetric, north vergent. A few > possible fault scarps, but most scarps appear to be related to fold limbs. > Definitely active folds, however. Individualo folds are on the order of 50 > km long, in fold trends that are up to 200 km long. Folds are en echelon in > each trend suggesting lateral component. One fold appears to be deforming > the modern mud flats along the coast east of Kandla. Definitely active. > Rate of shortening?? No idea yet. Many rivers and washes draining the folds > have impressive flights of fluvial terraces, suggesting fairly rapid uplift > of folds. Great future Ph.D study - Tectonic Geomorph of the region - > unfortuantely, no air photos are availble to map with. > > Computers/ safety/ etc. Everything is okay. Not really a problem as far as > I can tell, except e-mail connections are a bitch. > > Tapper Dam and Ghangi Dam. These are cities, NOT dams. When someone says > that these are damaged, they mean the cities. (Dam mean town or city in > Hindi). > > Embankment dams. We observed at least four (one large and three small) > embankment dams that experienced toe failures at upstream side., one dam > nearly failed it appears. > > Tank farms near Kandla. Tanks appeared to be okay, No major tank spills, > but someone needs to check more carefully. However, at least two large oil > spills are present, apparently from pipe (?) failures. We are checking this > out. > > Salt ponds. Lots of salt ponds are around, especially east of Bhuj and south > along the coast. The salt ponds east of Bhuj (east of epicenter) experienced > both dike failures and seich failures or breaches. Can this help with > long-period ground motione stimates?? > > Damage. Ahmedabad survived very well, despite the many isolated building > collapses. We have all the buildings identified and they are easily mapped. > We should compare the distribution of buildings damaged to geotechical > conditions to try to see what controls threir failure (probably just some > spotty construction we suspect). No real "pattern" discernible yet (building > type, spatial distribution, geologic condition, etc). > > Damage continued. Bhuj heavily damaged, kind of like Golchuk, but far more > single story houses. Dozens of small communities north and east of Bhuj > (1000 to 5000 people), totally destroyed (80 to 100!!%) building collapse of > all types. This is an interesting story in of itself, and not getting much > attention. LOTS of local people lost in the relief effort because towns are > too small to get attention. I don't know, but this might be an issue worth > discussing (Krishna will look into this). > > Ancient wall of Bhuj (about 400 yrs??) heavily damaged. > > Ancient cities. This area appears to have been widely settled BC sometime, > but abandoned at some point. This could be a great story if someone looks > into it. Lots of possible reasons for abandonment, but obvious one is > earthquake. > > Ancient Rivers. For some reason, several major tributaries to the Indus > River have vanished or shifted course. This apparently is because of uplift > and active growth of the fold and thrust belt. It also helps to explain why > early people abandoned the area. I do not think that climatic change caused > the change in river course or disappearance of these rivers that are > described in early history documents. > > Liquefaction along coast. Some of the best offshore liquefaction that I have > ever seen. Widespread offshore liquefaction was visible from the air south > east of Kandla Port. Very interesting. I don't know scientific value if any. > > Team Assignments. Two teams of four have gone to field today, and will stay > wherever they find shelter for the next two to three days. (Geotech team > with Sudhir Jain and Umesh Dayal, and Industrial facilities and Lifelines > team with Gupta and Don B.) Structures team - Rakesh Goel, Murty, etc are > working for next day or so on building damage in Ahmedabad. Geology team > (lettis, hengesh, narula, chaubey) will go to field for next two to three > days. > > Things are beginning to smooth out and logistics are improving. This is > really a great earthquake with lots of things to document. > > Sorry for the quick note, but I have been on line to US for over one hour and > need to get off. I will try again in two days. > > Bill > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Eugene Schweig > Central U.S. Coordinator > Earthquake Hazards Program Office > U.S. Geological Survey > > address: (901) 678-4974 > U.S. Geological Survey Fax: (901) 678-4897 > 3876 Central Ave., Ste. 2 > MEMPHIS, TN 38152-3050 > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > This email is generated by Central U.S. Earthquake Hazard MailList. > Archives of postings are available at > If you did not subscribe to this mailing list, please send email > with the subject "Unsubscribe" to: > eq-haz-central@.......... > or remove yourself directly using the form at: > > If you experience problems, contact the moderator at: > eq-haz-owner@.......... > > > Version 1.23 copyright Clifty WebWorks 1999 > __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
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