Larry: It is possible that you need to take a closer look at the unsubscribe experience some folks are having. For example, I tried to unsubscribe myself just now and got a terse note at my REPLY address saying that I am unknown to the list. Well, I can assure you that I get LOTS of list traffic everyday, so that response is erroneous. Here is what I suggest might be the root cause of some of the recent problems people (like me) have been having when unsubscribing from the PSN list: apparently, when your list administrator [program] checks to see if an unsubscribe command came from someone on the list, it compares the RETURN ADDRESS field of the unsubscribe email against the "official" PSN member list for authenticatioin. Now if, as I have determined is the case for me, you are compiling the official PSN member list using the FROM ADDRESS of a subscribe email, then anyone on the list that is using a different REPLY ADDRESS will not be able to automatically unsubscribe. I (and presumably many others) choose to send email indicating a RETURN ADDRESS that is different from the FROM ADDRESS. Notice that SENDMAIL and other email delivery systems allow this option due to its utility: a person can SEND mail from home, work, at 35,000 feet, or from anywhere and still have the replys go to ONE place. To check my theory, I'm gonna temporarily change my RETURN ADDRESS to match my FROM ADDRESS and try again. Sooooooooo, if you never hear from me again, it worked! Regards, Michael J. Roseberry __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>