In a message dated 9/30/01 9:52:05 PM GMT Daylight Time, rlthompson@................. writes: << The airport is realitively close to the town, and that night the departing aircraft were flying over the town. Some of the larger aircraft rattle the windows, and shake the house. Is this type of vibration likely to be detected on a seismograph? >> Hi Ron, My experience living under planes taking off from busy Orlando, FL airport is it won't make a bit of difference. During the winter I live in Orlando and operate a vertical leaf spring seismometer with a 1 Hz low pass filter. Very little if any cultural noise got through the filter at another location about 40 m from a busy highway with many big trucks. There I could see the highway noise on an oscilloscope before the filter but none of it got through the 1 Hz low pass filter. Good luck, Cap __________________________________________________________ Public Seismic Network Mailing List (PSN-L)
Larry Cochrane <cochrane@..............>