The below is a forwarded reply to Raul (and all) on PSN email from David Lamb:Raul; this is David. Just have part of the amplifier design and tilt controlcircuitry on paper. Our designs keep changing with improvements. Justrecently got computerized thanks to Meredith. Did not even have the timeset precisely on the SDR readout. Computer time was set to a cheapwall clock. Could be a minute or two off.The current working unit design of the SDR readout can fit in the palm ofyour hand, as far as the magnets/iron structure for the magnets and thegraphite structure. But; this design is soon to be replaced by a new designthat already has a 30 second (if undamped) oscillation period.The amplifier consists of 3 very low noise op-amps. The tilt controlcircuitry is an additional op-amp. The sensing optics uses special heatsink LEDs and gallium arsenide photodiodes from Hammamatsu, whichoperate at a very low power for a quiesent, no noise, long life operation.The low power of the LED has no thermal heating effect influences onthe optical flag of the 3 gram floating graphite structure.So, this is the basis of the seismometer.David Lamb