PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Recording thermoeter info?
From: "Larry Conklin" lconklin@............
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 11:16:24 -0500
I have an old Taylor insruments recording thermometer. It works fine, but
somewhere along the line the mechanical linkage that drive the pen arm got
loosened up and the thing is out of calibration. There are three separate
adjustments in the linkange, and I can't find a combination that results in
the correct temperature reading and the proper scale factor (amount of
movement per degree of temperature change). Evidently the company is no
longer in business? I wasn't able to find any info on them when I did a
search of the net.
I wonder if anyone has one of these things and still has any sort of manual
that explains the proper calibration procedure?
Larry Conklin
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