PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: FS: ISA A/D board
From: Greg geo@...........
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 13:21:56 -0700
I got permission to post this.
I'm entertaining offers on my ISA A/D board. It has the 16 bit
Burr-Brown chip on it. Larry made it. I can put a picture on a
webserver, but it's just like the pics on Larry's site.
It looks like the Rev 2 board.
I have the WWV circuit, but not the thermally isolated timer
what-cha-ma-jigger (goes in the big open space on the end of the board).
It's still $245 new? I have a "D" shell connector (2 wires soldered) and
floppies (SDR and 32 bit Winquake) for it also. Oh yeah, it works fine.
You might want to check to see if you have an open ISA slot and a free
IRQ before you decide you want it. If you really want, I can sell you a
computer to go along with it. I have a spare P133 system that I can
install it in. It has 64 MB EDO RAM, NE2000 network card, CDROM and a
2.5 GB hard drive. A MSDOS license is up to you to get. No monitor.
Shipping will probably be pricey though.
I took it out of the computer and disconnected everything. Send offers
straight to me. Not to the list. I can give you my ebay account name if
you want to look at my feedback. It's 16 positive, 0 neutral and 0 negative.
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