Hi All, I worked very much with this LVDT. It is based on the Phllips NE5521N phase comparator. I can supply you the schematic if needed. The cost of the unit is 50$ for the circuit and 50$ for the mechanic to=20 build up a complete horizontal sensor like to S-G type. I never disassembled the LVDT coils to but I can do it I have some spare part in my lab. The LX922 kit is no longer producted, only some spare parts are = available. The actual Nuova Elettronica production is on LX1358. All the system was conceived to use a high-speed thermal printer for producing seismograms. Actually N.E. producing a A/D interface the LX1500 that is a single channel fixed 50 SPS at 16 bit with the AD7715 converter. It have no syncronization clock. It can be used also with SEISMOWIN. Anwyay that LVDT can be used with any kind of a/d if the DC component is removed (the output is 0-12V at 6V zero offset). If needed I can provide more info about. The results of that LVDT are very good but accurate shielding of the coils and the circuit is needed to avoid interference and keep low the noise. Regards Mauro Just some (unexperienced) thoughts. I think the Nuova item=20 costs around $103 US dollars (PCB and LVDT) plus=20 whatever shipping/handling. Sometimes I think that a=20 homebrew LVDT with perhaps a Phillips or Analog IC=20 (and other parts) might be a cheaper alternative......but=20 probably more costly for any R&D overall.=20Hi All,I worked very much with this = LVDT.It is based on the Phllips NE5521N = phase=20 comparator.I can supply you the schematic if=20 needed.The cost of the unit is 50$ for the = circuit and 50$=20 for the mechanic tobuild up a complete horizontal sensor = like to S-G=20 type.I never disassembled the LVDT coils to = but I can do=20 it I have some sparepart in my lab.The LX922 kit is no longer producted, = only some=20 spare parts are available.The actual Nuova Elettronica production = is on=20 LX1358.All the system was conceived to use a = high-speed=20 thermal printerfor producing seismograms.Actually N.E. producing a A/D interface = the LX1500=20 that is a singlechannel fixed 50 SPS at 16 bit with the = AD7715=20 converter.It have no syncronization = clock.It can be used also with = SEISMOWIN.Anwyay that LVDT can be used with any = kind of a/d=20 if the DCcomponent is removed (the output is = 0-12V at 6V=20 zero offset).If needed I can provide more info=20 about.The results of that LVDT are very good = but accurate=20 shielding ofthe coils and the circuit is needed to = avoid=20 interference and keeplow the noise.RegardsMauroJust some (unexperienced) thoughts. I think the Nuova item =
costs=20 around $103 US dollars (PCB and LVDT) plus
whatever=20 shipping/handling. Sometimes I think that a
homebrew LVDT = with=20 perhaps a Phillips or Analog IC
(and other parts) might be a = cheaper=20 alternative......but
probably more costly for any R&D overall. =