PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: WinQuake
From: "Larry Cochrane" cochrane@..............
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2003 16:32:14 -0800
Hi Tony,
> Hi Larry.
> The Y scale dialog box is working in counts up to 999, then it
> reverts to the kilo-counts scale. Is that what it is supposed
> to do? I guess I expected to to see 4 and 5 digits on the Y
> scale over 999.
The Y-Scale now goes between 1 and 999.999 and then the multiplier changes.
This way counts is handled the same way as volts and sensor units.
> Also, about the new "zoom" function, I meant to say "crop".
> Sorry about that. The new crop function is working fine.
> However, WQ is still locking up when I hit ANY help button.
> Ctrl+Alt+Delete shows WQ as not responding. Could it be a problem
> with the/my help file?
Make sure you have PSNExplorer in the same directory as WinQuake. You might
try and reinstall WinQuake on the system. Maybe that will correct the help
system problem. Also, make sure you have the current version (5.5 or 6.0) of
Internet Explorer install on your system. PSNExplorer requires that IE be
installed on the system to work correctly.
> On a different subject, I have been meaning to tell you, Larry,
> that on the WQ Big Island map, the little black dot which
> locates the town of Kailua-Kona is not placed in the correct
> location. The map is showing it about 8 km North of my station.
> Kailua-Kona is actually south of my station by about
> 10 km. Its no big deal. I've just been meaning to bring it to
> your attention for quite awhile.
You can correct this yourself. First you will need the correct location of
Kailua-Kona. This should be available on the Internet somewhere. Now edit
the city.dat file with a text editor like Notepad. Locate the city in the
file and change the latitude and longitude to the correct numbers. When
saving the file, make sure you save it as a text file with line-breaks.
Notepad likes to append .txt to the saved file name so you will need to
rename the file back to city.dat. If you send me the correct location of the
city I will update my copy of city.dat file. This way the city location will
show up correctly on the next software release.
Larry Cochrane
Redwood City, PSN
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