PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: BBC news article about infrasound
From: "Steve Hansen" shansen@........
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 18:52:51 -0000
Hi Arie,
I got your separate message with the documentation. If my regular PC weren't
in the shop I'd take a picture of what mine evolved into. Basically it's
sort of modelled on Chris Hayward's set up at SMU with the entire
transducer/reservoir/leak assembly in a length of 4" PVC pipe. The
components are at the bottom of the tube and the rest is filled with
insulation. The hole that I started before everything froze over will be
about 4-5 ft. deep.
I've amassed a pile of literature on noise reduction pipes and the like but
it sounds like my site is not dissimilar from yours and not conducive to
running hundreds of feet of soaker hose all around.
Silicone tubing as you describe is readily available in various diameters
and walls from US Plastic and one item, 54036, is 3/8" id
x 1/2" od (i.e. somewhat thinner wall than yours) and is priced at $0.82/ft
in 1 ft. increments. What do you see as the advantage of the thinner wall
> Wow, the original author! Hi Steve, Similarly, I had the MKS sensor and
> pluming placed in a cooler, but surrounded the detector with lots of
> packs to give the device some thermal inertia. Seemed to work within the
> time constant. ( very fine needle valve)
> From the cooler box to the silicon tubing was about 1.5 meters of stiff
hose. The
> sensor tubing was 6 meters of "BMDGB0802" ( 7.9 X 12.7 mm) Silicon tube
> was obtained from a medical supply company. Its wall thickness is 2.4 mm.
I do
> know their is a thinner wall thickness tube but the cost nearly doubled,
so the 2.4mm
> was the one. This tube was then wound in a tight coil.
> It was housed in a special building at work, but if it were, housed in a
> box with ventilation holes + air conditioner filters and baffles then
that should
> mimic the building.
> Cheers
> Arie
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