PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: New WinQuake, WinSDR, GPS Pass-Through and WinPlotGPS releases
From: "Larry Cochrane" cochrane@..............
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 21:31:14 -0800
Hi Everyone,
Sorry if you get this message twice. Since the new releases effect both
WinSDR and WinQuake I'm sending this message to both lists.
The new beta release, version 2.9.2, can be downloaded from here Here are the highlights of
this release, see the beta release documentation for a complete list:
The program now supports viewing up to three event records in the same event
window. This way the data from a two or three component sensor can be
displayed in the same window. Only event files that have the same
characteristics, start time, sample rate, data points and sensor type
(acceleration, velocity or displacement) can be viewed in the same window.
WinQuake also supports reading and writing dataset volume. A dataset set
volume being two or three event records in one event file. The format of a
dataset volume file is documented here A volume file has a 10
byte pre-header and then two or three PSNType 4 event files stacked one
after the other.
The program now supports saving event records in a dataset volume. Datasets
can be viewed with the new WinQuake beta release. See the WinSDR beta
release notes here for
more information. I also have a new firmware release for my 16-Bit Serial
Output A/D board. See this link for more information This link can be used to download the
new firmware file.
GPS Pass-Through Mode:
The new firmware on the Serial Output A/D board now supports a GPS
pass-through mode. When this mode is enabled, all data on the GPS comm port
is sent out the main Comm port and all data set to the main Comm port will
be sent to the GPS receiver. The GPS Pass-Through mode allows GPS mapping
programs like WinPlotGPS to communicate directly with the GPS receiver
connected up the A/D board. See this link for more information
This release fixes several bugs I discovered in the first beta release. The
main bug being a problem with the GPS Message Viewer not displaying
correctly after the program is restored from being minimized. See this page from more information on WinPlotGPS.
That's it. Please let me know if you run into any problems with any of the
new programs.
Larry Cochrane
Redwood City, PSN
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