PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Atomic Time Source for data logging
From: "Jonathan Peakall" jpeakall@............
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 08:12:22 -0800
Hi All,
I just got a project working that I thought might be of interest to some =
folks here. I needed an accurate time source for several projects =
(including a clock that uses Nixie tubes to display the time, looks VERY =
cool) and Atomic clock modules aren't cheap. So what I did was take a =
Atomic clock module, interfaced it with a PIC 12F675, which then drives =
a 433mHz transmitter. Now, anywhere in the house (err, lab I mean) I =
have an accurate self correcting time base for the price of a 433mHz =
reciver, which is about US$15. Vey flexible can date stamp as well. Very =
simple project, and aside from the atomic clock module, very cheap.
Have fun!
Hi All,
I just got a project working that I =
thought might=20
be of interest to some folks here. I needed an accurate time source for =
projects (including a clock that uses Nixie tubes to display the time, =
VERY cool) and Atomic clock modules aren't cheap. So what I did was take =
Atomic clock module, interfaced it with a PIC 12F675, which then drives =
a 433mHz=20
transmitter. Now, anywhere in the house (err, lab I mean) I have an =
self correcting time base for the price of a 433mHz reciver, which is =
US$15. Vey flexible can date stamp as well. Very simple project, and =
aside from=20
the atomic clock module, very cheap.
Have fun!
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