PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: WinDaq to WinQuake utility
From: John or Jan Lahr johnjan@........
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 07:09:48 -0700
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the updated program. I've posted it here:
At 09:05 PM 3/27/2003, you wrote:
Hi John,
I am releasing to you the following zip file. It seems to
work fine. This package replaces earlier applications, such as
Headpik.exe and HeadpikV2.exe. If you offer the file for download,
please make it this entire zip file. Contents:
HdPkHlp.txt (Operating Instructions)
HeadpikX.exe (Main program)
HdrEditor.exe (PSN header template file editor)
REM1.ps1 (sample PSN header template file)
Headers (file folder containing WDQ template header files)
The above package allows Dataq A/D and WinDaq users the ability to
easily copy WDQ files to PSN Type 4 format.
HdrEditor.exe can either be run stand-alone or launched from
HeadpikX.exe. It is used to enter local coordinates, sensor
information, timing information in the same manner as provided in
WinQuake dialog boxes. This information is to be saved for repeated
use as a [Sensor Name].ps1 file when converting WDQ files to PSN
HeadpikX.exe is a utility program for inspection of the header
contents or either WDQ or PSN files, and editing of WDQ file start time,
sampling period, and for entering sensor period and damping for use by
DrumPlot.exe or Shortplot.exe. It allows single channel files to be
assembled into multichannel files, or single channel files to be spliced
together. Conversion of WDQ files can be done either with or
without a header template file.
Additional features seldom used by those without programming or
digital filter experience allow the data contained in a PSN file to be
converted to a WDQ file to be filtered by "ShortPlot", saved,
and then plugged back in to a copy of the original PSN file, with
original PSN header information preserved intact.
The above exe and text files must reside in the same folder, any
folder. The "Headers" folder must be placed in the same
folder as the WDQ files.
Bob McClure
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