Hi Gang;
For those who don't want to cast their own lead for the "Lehman" or =
can't find "plumbers weights". I have found Divers/Suba weights (for =
their weightbelt) that can be purchased for approx. $1.75 or less a =
pound. I am also using magnetic wire (approx # 32) in it's original =
state (on the plastic spool) and four Home depot magnets (approx. 1"x2") =
for the "pickup" mechanism. It is a very rudimentary system however I =
Hi Gang;
For those who =
don't want=20
to cast their own lead for the "Lehman" or can't find "plumbers =
weights". I=20
have found Divers/Suba weights (for their weightbelt) that can be =
for approx. $1.75 or less a pound. I am also using magnetic wire (approx =
# 32)=20
in it's original state (on the plastic spool) and four Home depot=20
magnets (approx. 1"x2") for the "pickup" mechanism. It is a very=20
rudimentary system however I have picked up events greater than 11,000=20
miles. Ed