Hi all, I recently obtained a "ink refill system", made by IMS (Interactive Media Sales, LLC). The "kit" has a variety of colors and is meant for computer printer refills. There is eight 60ml bottles in such; with the black color having three bottles. There is also cyan (blue), magneta (~red), and a yellow ink. I've not tried the ink for intended purpose yet; but we'll see how well (or bad) it works in time. Its obvious that this ink could "possibly" be used for those who still activiely use either ink chart recorders or drum recorders. I obtained this "kit" at a local Costco store in their computer/printer ink section for US $16.32. One may have to check other computer stores for the same item availability. All together the amount of ink is 480ml, and in my opinion its a fairly good price for the amount of ink therein. I did try a partial drop of black ink on the end of a toothpick, and it seemed to give sufficient color and a fine trail line for a short distance. The ink drys fast (at least on bond paper)...but isn't waterproof. In short...it "may" work with recorders; but its likely quite dependent on the actual paper used in such. Sometimes it seems that recording ink is rather a science for the variety of instruments and/or specific paper it could be used with. IMS does have a web site, where one can obtain more information for either their specific brand of computer printer or other data. The company seems to be based in Bedford, Texas. The online site doesn't seem to sell the kits there; but perhaps if there is interest one may email them for possible retail sources. The web address is: http://www.ims-ink.com
Hi all,I recently obtained a "ink refill system", made by IMS (Interactive Media Sales, LLC). The"kit" has a variety of colors and is meant for computer printer refills. There is eight 60ml bottlesin such; with the black color having three bottles. There is also cyan (blue), magneta(~red), and a yellow ink. I've not tried the ink for intended purpose yet; but we'll see howwell (or bad) it works in time.Its obvious that this ink could "possibly" be used for those who still activiely use either inkchart recorders or drum recorders. I obtained this "kit" at a local Costco store in theircomputer/printer ink section for US $16.32. One may have to check other computerstores for the same item availability. All together the amount of ink is 480ml, andin my opinion its a fairly good price for the amount of ink therein. I did try a partial drop ofblack ink on the end of a toothpick, and it seemed to give sufficient color and a fine trailline for a short distance. The ink drys fast (at least on bond paper)...but isn't waterproof.In short...it "may" work with recorders; but its likely quite dependent on the actual paperused in such. Sometimes it seems that recording ink is rather a science for the varietyof instruments and/or specific paper it could be used with.IMS does have a web site, where one can obtain more information for either their specificbrand of computer printer or other data. The company seems to be based in Bedford,Texas. The online site doesn't seem to sell the kits there; but perhaps if there is interestone may email them for possible retail sources. The web address is:Take care, Meredith Lamb