I interpreted the notes to mean that the three lower resistors in front = of A1 were 100K, the input cap was 0.25uF, the feedback resistor was = 464K, and the feedback cap was 0.01uF. In my implementation, I used an ordinary single op-amp for A2, as drawn. = It works fine, as long as you choose one (like the LM837 I used) with a = wide input voltage range. =20 If you decide to go the instrumentation amp route, I suggest you buy a = packaged one, like the AD620, rather than build one. To get good CMRR, = you need to have matched resistors all around the three op-amps. =20 Here's a link to an application note from National Semi: = http://www.national.com/ms/LB/LB-1.pdf Keith ----- Original Message -----=20 From: Mike Speed=20 To: psn-l@................. Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 9:17 AM Subject: Re: STM-8 Questions >"Integrator, Unity Gain Instrumentation Amp 20 to 200 Seconds?" = refers >to A2 and it's related parts in the lower middle. On the "Block Diagram of Hardware Store Broadband Seismometer...", = what are the component values of the all the resistors and capacitors on = A1? A2 says it is a "3 amp High CMRR X1 Gain." What is the exact = configuration of A2? Greg -------------------------------------------------------------------------= ----- Do you Yahoo!?I interpreted the notes to mean that = the three=20 lower resistors in front of A1 were 100K, the input cap was 0.25uF, the = feedback=20 resistor was 464K, and the feedback cap was 0.01uF.In my implementation, I used an = ordinary single=20 op-amp for A2, as drawn. It works fine, as long as you choose one = (like=20 the LM837 I used) with a wide input voltage range.If you decide to go the instrumentation = amp route,=20 I suggest you buy a packaged one, like the AD620, rather than build = one. =20 To get good CMRR, you need to have matched resistors all around the = three=20 op-amps.Here's a link to an application note = from National=20 Semi: http://www.national.com/m= s/LB/LB-1.pdfKeith----- Original Message -----From:=20 Mike = Speed=20Sent: Wednesday, December 24, = 2003 9:17=20 AMSubject: Re: STM-8 = Questions
>"Integrator, Unity Gain Instrumentation Amp 20 to 200 = Seconds?"=20 refers >to A2 and it's related parts in the lower middle.On the "Block Diagram of Hardware Store Broadband = Seismometer...",=20 what are the component values of the all the resistors and = capacitors on=20 A1?A2 says it is a "3 amp High CMRR X1 Gain." What is the = exact=20 configuration of A2?Greg
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