PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Re: Range of 4,5Hz geophone
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F3n_Fr=EDmann?= jonfr500@.........
Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2006 14:11:29 +0000

Hi Ian and others.

I did ask becose i didn't pickup a 3,5 mag earthquake that did happen
yesterday about 100 - 180 Km nne of where i life. You can get more info
on that earthquake here > the automatic system
that i.m.o has marks it as a 3,8Ml in size, the quality was rather poor
on the i.m.o system. But for some reasion i didn't pick it up, i might
have setup the warning system in winsdr too hig or something in the
ground did prevent me from picking it up, but i did change the setting
after i did notice this. To prevent me from recording noise, i did set
the sla/tla ratio to 8.0, but far as i understand it. That controls the
warning levels pickups.

The earthquake that where happening yesterday where on the 2 - 4Hz
(problay higher) bands, as can be seen here > there are more stations here.

The noise level in my evroment is not too hig, based on what i have seen
the three weeks i have been running the geophone. But i am still
learning proplery on this hardware. That is why i will ask questions.
However, yesterday was rather windy day and the noise levels where above
the usual level.

Jón Frímann Jónsson


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