PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Noise that my geophone picks up
From: ChrisAtUpw@.......
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 07:48:15 EST
In a message dated 24/01/2006, asc@............... writes:
I have been enjoying this exchange of information. The frequency range of
local earthquakes in Iceland is typical of the frequency range of small
earthquakes recorded on rock near to the source. You just have to sample at a high
rate 100 or preferably 200s/s to see it. For monitoring of mining rock bursts
up close you have to increase this rate by a factor of 10 or more.
In the Lachlan Foldbelt in south-eastern Australia we typically record
ground shaking near 50 Hz for small earthquakes up to ML 4 and there isn't a
recently active volcano for 500 km or so.
Hi Jon, Kevin,
Jon is using one of Larrys's four channel amplifier boards. These have a
nominal bandwidth of 20 sec to 10 Hz, with an 8 pole Butterworth roll off.
It is 20 dB down by 20 Hz and 40 dB down by 30 Hz. I doubt if there is any
point in sampling beyond 50 sps, and 30 sps would probably would be
satisfactory. See _
Jon also has sea noise and local environmental noise to cope with.
Your comments, please, Kevin?
Chris Chapman
In a message dated 24/01/2006, asc@............... writes:
style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" face=3DArial color=3D#000000 size=
have been enjoying this exchange of information. The frequency range of lo=
earthquakes in Iceland is typical of the frequency range of small earthqua=
recorded on rock near to the source. You just have to sample at a high rat=
100 or preferably 200s/s to see it. For monitoring of mining rock bursts u=
close you have to increase this rate by a factor of 10 or more.
In the=20
Lachlan Foldbelt in south-eastern Australia we typically record ground sha=
near 50 Hz for small earthquakes up to ML 4 and there isn't a recently act=
volcano for 500 km or so.
Hi Jon, Kevin,
Jon is using one of Larrys's four channel ampli=
boards. These have a nominal bandwidth of 20 sec to 10 Hz, with an 8 pole=20
Butterworth roll off. It is 20 dB down by 20 Hz and 40 dB down by 30 Hz. I d=
if there is any point in sampling beyond 50 sps, and 30 sps would proba=
would be satisfactory. See
Jon also has sea noise and local environmental=20
noise to cope with.
Your comments, please, Kevin?
Chris Chapman
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