PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Noise
From: ChrisAtUpw@.......
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 18:21:23 EST
In a message dated 2006/11/30, tchannel@.............. writes:
> Hi Jim, At night time the noise stops as suddenly as it begins, I think it
> stops at around 4:30pm, starts at 8:35 to 8:50am. Really quiet at night,
> I live 1/4 mile from a school, and crossing lights, but the noise continues
> during Sat, Sun and Holidays when the school is inactive.
> I did remove the magnet during the noise, and the trace was dead quite, all
> the noise stopped and started again when I replaced the magnet over the coil,
> so I don't think it is RFI.
Hi Ted,
OK. Can you identify any 'typical sequence' types of signal? Can you
log the ~amplitudes?
Now you have evidence that the noise isn't RFI or pickup from the
house wiring, can you re-orient your sensor, say 20 degrees at a time at first, to
determine the direction that it is coming from? If it is an external fixed
source, there should be a direction which gives a minimum response.
It can be quite difficult to identify a source just from a seismic
trace. If it is a local source, there are likely to be a lot of associated high
frequency signals. Do you have a geophone, or a piezo accelerometer, which you
can use as a sensor to drive an audio amplifier / headphone system? Sounds
carry quite a long way in the soil. I can pick up car tyre noise on the main road
at about 1 km. This could help to direct your search.
Chris Chapman
In a me=
ssage dated 2006/11/30, tchannel@.............. writes:
Hi Jim, At night time the=
noise stops as suddenly as it begins, I think it stops at around 4:30pm, st=
arts at 8:35 to 8:50am. Really quiet at night,
I live 1/4 mile from a school, and crossing lights, but the noise continues=
during Sat, Sun and Holidays when the school is inactive.
I did remove the magnet during the noise, and the trace was dead quite, all=
the noise stopped and started again when I replaced the magnet over the coi=
l, so I don't think it is RFI.
Hi Ted,
OK. Can you identify any 'typical seque=
nce' types of signal? Can you log the ~amplitudes?
Now you have evidence that the noise is=
n't RFI or pickup from the house wiring, can you re-orient your sensor, say=20=
20 degrees at a time at first, to determine the direction that it is coming=20=
from? If it is an external fixed source, there should be a direction which g=
ives a minimum response.
It can be quite difficult to identify a=
source just from a seismic trace. If it is a local source, there are likely=
to be a lot of associated high frequency signals. Do you have a geophone, o=
r a piezo accelerometer, which you can use as a sensor to drive an audio amp=
lifier / headphone system? Sounds carry quite a long way in the soil. I can=20=
pick up car tyre noise on the main road at about 1 km. This could help to di=
rect your search.
Chris Chapman
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