PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Technical Lesson Please
From: Tangazazen@.......
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 04:28:14 EDT
With regard to zero-length springs, it might be of interest to note that
the springs in an angle poise lamp are negative length. That is the backward
extrapolation intersects the axis on the negative side of zero but due to
non-linearity, moves through zero to the positive side as the force is increased.
It is possible to adjust the force to produce an intersect at zero but this
point is not stable with temperature. For a vertical seismometer the period
can be set to 12 to 15 seconds and may remain in this state for a few hours in
a domestic environment. Setting such a system to 5 seconds instead produces
a high period stability even though there is a length change with
With regard to zero-length springs, it might be of interest to n=
that the springs in an angle poise lamp are negative length. That is the=20
backward extrapolation intersects the axis on the negative side of zero=
but due to non-linearity, moves through zero to the positive side as th=
force is increased. It is possible to adjust the force to produce an interse=
at zero but this point is not stable with temperature. For a vertical=20
seismometer the period can be set to 12 to 15 seconds and may remain in=
this state for a few hours in a domestic environment. Setting such a sy=
to 5 seconds instead produces a high period stability even though=20
there is a length change with temperature.
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