PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Mystery event
From: ChrisAtUpw@.......
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 18:31:01 EDT
In a message dated 2007/09/27, gmvoeth@........... writes:
> Doesn't that hole look like a terminal velocity hole and not a 40km/sec
> hole ??
> Wouldn't a high velocity hole look more like an
> ant lions den instead of a cylinder ??
> possibly that rock is intact within the crater ??
Hi Jeff,
I don't have anything to compare it with, but it looks reasonable to
me. The subsoil is obviously deep and saturated with water, so the meteor would
have penetrated below this level and then cooked everything. You would have
had a physical vapourised water explosion following on the surface impact
crater. If there were suplhides or arsenic compounds in the soil, some could have
been released. I would not want to breathe in any pyrolised rock. The soil
bacteria could also be well re-distributed.
Chris Chapman
In a me=
ssage dated 2007/09/27, gmvoeth@........... writes:
Doesn't that hole look like a t=
erminal velocity hole and not a 40km/sec hole ??
Wouldn't a high velocity hole look more like an
ant lions den instead of a cylinder ??
possibly that rock is intact within the crater ??
Hi Jeff,
I don't have anything to compare it wit=
h, but it looks reasonable to me. The subsoil is obviously deep and saturate=
d with water, so the meteor would have penetrated below this level and then=20=
cooked everything. You would have had a physical vapourised water explosion=20=
following on the surface impact crater. If there were suplhides or arsenic c=
ompounds in the soil, some could have been released. I would not want to bre=
athe in any pyrolised rock. The soil bacteria could also be well re-distribu=
Chris Chapman
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