PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Mini Lehman Damping
From: ChrisAtUpw@.......
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 14:24:07 EDT
In a message dated 2008/06/11, jamesridout@.............. writes:
> And as far as I can see The ideal amount is 0.7 - 0.8 and that means that
> if I walk up to the seismograph and the pen deflects 10mm, then the pen should
> return 0.5mm in the opposite direction then back to zero. Is it me, or does
> this seem like too much.
Hi James,
I draw a thin black line on a sticky label and mount it vertical on
the end of the mass.
Over the top of this, separated by maybe 1/16", I mount a clear
plastic ruler.
I use a x2.5 mounted magnifying glass to view the ruler and the
vertical line.
I move the ruler so that the line is on a cm ruler mark.
I use a rod or ruler as a lever resting on the baseplate to slowly
move the mass 10 mm to one side.
I remove the lever and watch what happens to the mass line.
It should go past the rest postion by ~0.5 mm and then return to the
rest postion.
The magnifying glass makes this fairly easy to observe.
Chris Chapman
In a me=
ssage dated 2008/06/11, jamesridout@.............. writes:
And as far as I can see The ide=
al amount is 0.7 - 0.8 and that means that if I walk up to the seismograph a=
nd the pen deflects 10mm, then the pen should return 0.5mm in the opposite d=
irection then back to zero. Is it me, or does this seem like too much.
Hi James,
I draw a thin black line on a sticky la=
bel and mount it vertical on the end of the mass.
Over the top of this, separated by mayb=
e 1/16", I mount a clear plastic ruler.
I use a x2.5 mounted magnifying glass t=
o view the ruler and the vertical line.
I move the ruler so that the line is on=
a cm ruler mark.
I use a rod or ruler as a lever resting=
on the baseplate to slowly move the mass 10 mm to one side.
I remove the lever and watch what happe=
ns to the mass line.
It should go past the rest postion by ~=
0.5 mm and then return to the rest postion.
The magnifying glass makes this fairly=20=
easy to observe.
Chris Chapman
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