PSN-L Email List Message

Subject: Seismic detector with AIS326DQ
From: alexander mirabal alexmirabal2000@........
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 22:30:52 +0000 (GMT)

Hello there,
I am sure this matter has been covered here before, but can't find it and w=
ould like your comments about the following:
I need to build a device that alarms when a seism takes places, preferably =
in an early state, let's say, for being used in public buildings or schools=
.. It is not intended to measure and record the magnitud of the earth moveme=
nt at all, just detect once it reaches certain level in any of the 3 axis a=
nd activate a sound/visual indication.
As a first aproximation, I was taking a look to this IC: AIS326DQ http://ww=, but honestly I=
 have no practical criteria to determine in advance=A0if it sensitive enoug=
h for my purpose.=A0 The manufacturer web page mentions it is for automotiv=
e applications, but my feeling is that the accelerations changes in such en=
vironments are far beyond the ones I need to deal with.
In case you consider it not suittable for this application, could any of yo=
u, please, recommend some other chip?
I am located in Mexico City.
Thanks in advance,

Hello there,
I am sure this matter has been covered here before, but can't find it = and would like your comments about the following:
I need to build a device that alarms when a seism takes places, prefer= ably in an early state, let's say, for being used in public buildings or sc= hools. It is not intended to measure and record the magnitud of the earth m= ovement at all, just detect once it reaches certain level in any of the 3 a= xis and activate a sound/visual indication.
As a first aproximation, I was taking a look to this IC: AIS326DQ,= but honestly I have no practical criteria to determine in advance if = it sensitive enough for my purpose.  The manufacturer web page mention= s it is for automotive applications, but my feeling is that the acceleratio= ns changes in such environments are far beyond the ones I need to deal with= ..
In case you consider it not suittable for this application, could any = of you, please, recommend some other chip?
I am located in Mexico City.
Thanks in advance,

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