In a message dated 03/02/2010, gmvoeth@........... writes:
Are you=20
able to provide us with a mag/coil design with three wires specifically=
designed to work
with a differential amplifier.
This would mean a=
tapped coil with two wire each one going to + and - and the third=20
going to neutral ground ?
Hi Geoff,
Sure, but is there any problem in doing this?=
The ordinary single channel opamp with 4 resi=
to give a 'differential' opamp circuit normally has a single 'floating' co=
il eg=20
LT1007. The feedback maintains the same voltage on both the +ve and -ve in=
so the coil drives a resistance of 2 x Rin + Rcoil. With high efficie=
NdFeB magnet blocks, this low impedance can significantly damp the ma=
ss and=20
can even damp it beyond critical. The input impedance relative to analogue=
ground is different for the two inputs.
If you use a true differential input opamp,=
the INA118, the input impedances to both inputs are very high both relativ=
e to=20
one another and to analogue ground. You need to use two reels of wire to=
one coil. It is an advantage if you can arrange for the two wires to be tw=
together. Alternatively, you can buy dual core insulated wires. The=
of the coil is earthed.
You can't separate the coil design from the=
amplifier circuit design.
I hope that this helps.