This is an article about which Martin is referring: Jerry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: Tangazazen@....... To: psn-l@.............. Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 5:13 AM Subject: J'accuse Hi All, I do not know if all members are aware of the events unfolding in Italy. It seems the Italian seismologists are to be prosecute for man slaughter for failing to predict the earthquake at L'Aquila. This is in spite of one Giampaolo Giuliani touring the town a week before with a loud speaker van warning the residents. He was subsequently arrested. It is times like this that I feel that mankind has been very arrogant to bestow on himself the title of Homo Sapien. Martin PageThis is an article about = which Martin=20 is referring:Jerry
----- Original Message -----From:=20 Tangazazen@.......Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 = 5:13 AMSubject: J'accuse=20Hi All,I do not know if all members are aware = of the=20 events unfolding in Italy. It seems the Italian seismologists are to = be=20 prosecute for man slaughter for failing to predict the earthquake at = L'Aquila.=20 This is in spite of one Giampaolo Giuliani touring the = town a=20 week before with a loud speaker van warning the residents. He was=20 subsequently arrested.It is times like this that I feel that mankind has been very = arrogant to=20 bestow on himself the title of Homo Sapien.Martin Page