, Subject: Infra-Sonic Atmospheric Air Pressure Sensor ?http://sites.google.com/site/seismicsensorinfo/infra-sonic-atmospheric-ai= r-pressure-sensor?? The goal is to try to correlate atmospheric pressure= changes with vertical seismometer background noise.=20 Gary ? ?Hi Gary, ? ??? There are three approaches to correcting for signals produced by atmos= pheric pressure ?changes. 1 enclose the seismometer in a hermetic chamber. 2 Measure the= air pressure changes and compensate using a digital correction signal 3= Fit a compensation chamber to the other side of the seismometer hinge. Th= is can give perfect balancing and was used in1960-70 old type seismometers= .. Try using Al drinks cans? It?may be?easy to set up and it is cheap! ? ??? Regards, ? ??? Chris Chapman ? ? ? ? Gary Lindgren 585 Lincoln Ave Palo Alto CA 94301 ? 650-326-0655 ? www.blue-eagle-technologies.com?? Check out Lastest Seismometer Reading cymonsplace.blogspot.com? sites.google.com/site/seismicsensorinfo/Home??? Design Details for New Ver= tical Seismometer=20 ? ?,
Subject: Infra-Sonic Atmospheric Air Pressure Sensor
http://sites.google.com= /site/seismicsensorinfo/infra-sonic-atmospheric-air-pressure-sensor &= nbsp; The goal is to try to correlate atmospheric pressure changes wit= h vertical seismometer background noise.=3DGaryHi Gary,There are three approaches to co= rrecting for signals produced by atmospheric pressurechanges. 1 enclose the seismometer in a herme= tic chamber. 2 Measure the air pressure changes and compensate using a dig= ital correction signal 3 Fit a compensation chamber to the other side of= the seismometer hinge. This can give perfect balancing and was used in196= 0-70 old type seismometers. Try using Al drinks cans? It may be = easy to set up and it is cheap!Regards,Chris ChapmanGary Lindgren585 Lincoln AvePalo Alto CA 94301650-326-0655www.blue-eagle-technologies.com Check out Lastest Seismome= ter Readingcymonsplace.blogspot.com&= nbsp;sites.goo= gle.com/site/seismicsensorinfo/Home Design De= tails for New Vertical Seismometer