PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Engine Start/Shutdown Noise Spikes From Automobile
From: RSparks rsparks@..........
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2011 05:27:48 -0800
Good Morning Richard,
It may not be EMF caused.
What is the sensing angle of the sensor compared to the axis of the
car? Moving the car causes a local disturbance due to the acceleration
of a large mass. I see that on my vertical seismometer repeatedly.
Another possibility is disturbance from the fan simply due to the change
in air currents. Three feet from a big moving object like a car is very
Previously, my vertical was located about 4 feet from the front of the
kitchen stove but with a wall between and located on a concrete floor.
I could see when my wife was cooking! And she is not that big!
A good thing. The noise pattern of the car must be much different from
the pattern of a quake. Not too hard to tell them apart.
The torque from engine speed change should also be detectable but I
would not expect a disturbance nearly as great as from the acceleration
or deceleration of car movement.
Good Luck,
On 01-06-2011 12:01 AM, psnlist-digest-request@.............. wrote:
> Subject: Engine Start/Shutdown Noise Spikes From Automobile
> From: Richard Schneider
> Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2011 15:11:01 -0800
> --0016367fabe7a3aae50499217f59
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Situation: High amplitude spikes when starting and again on shutdown of
> engine from automobile.
> Sensor is about 3 feet from car.
> EMF appears to come from auto alternator since I can see it upon engine
> shutdown.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated to mitigate the EMF from the sensor
> pickup coil without relocating it.
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