PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: New Seismo
From: "Ted Channel" tchannel@............
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 04:48:25 -0600
Dave, Just to clarify...........on my Lehman's, I use exactly that Chris
recommended in his drawing. And that works for approx.2 lbs mass, This
consist of 4 very strong magnets, again as Chris noted, but I sometime sub.
the magnets, going thicker, up to 1/4". The plate I use is Alum about
1.5" wide 2" long and 3/16" thick. Thin Alum just doesn't have the body.
With that arrangement when you move the plate inside the magnets, the eddy
feels as strong as removing a refrigerator magnet, almost. On my
experiments with my 15# mass, I used Chris's arrangement, but 4 even
stronger magnets, and even a bigger hunk of Alum. Now this feels more like
dragging your finger on the table, very strong...........even that was not
strong enough, but I used it.
I have used copper and Alum. I use Alum, because it is easier for me to
get. You could use whatever, it just needs to be scaled up to do the job.
Email me for pictures. tchannel@............
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Nelson"
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 12:29 AM
Subject: Re: New Seismo
> Hi Randall, Brett, John, Ted, Chris and co...
> I appreciate ALL the input
> I really thought that the slice of aluminium I had between the
> reasonably strong
> magnets would have been enough obviously not!
> Ted's comments are valid, I can feel the eddy generated when passing the
> aluminium between the poles of the magnets but it doesnt feel as strong as
> what Ted is suggesting it should.
> I had already cut back on the mass to 2 lb instead of the originally
> planned
> 4lb. If I have to I will go back to 1 lb
> I think I will also do a bit of a redesign and put the magnet frame for
> the
> dampening separate ... sitting on the main frame as Chris has done in a
> couple
> of his units.
> I was waiting to hear back from him as to if there is any advantage
> having fix
> magnets and the vane moving ie. fixed to the boom, or the other way around
> like
> I had.
> cheers
> Dave
> At 02:40 PM 31/07/2011, you wrote:
>>Just for laughs, here's the other end of the specturm in regards to mass.
>>They use an effective mass of 19 grams, and don't do badly at all. Design
>>by the 'other' Dave Nelson.
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