PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: diamagnetic levitation seismometer possibility
From: chrisatupw@.......
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 08:51:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: Charles R Patton charles.r.patton@........
Subject: Re: diamagnetic levitation seismometer possibility
Interesting observations about the possibility of diamagnetic roughnes=
s. This brings up two observations:
1) By the current theories of magnetic flux lines as I understand =
them, there is no possibility for them to exhibit "kinks or roughnes=
s" at the scales and method of field generation we're discussing.=20
Hi Charles,
That is correct as I understand it. Flux lines in free space are often =
curved, but never kinky!
2) So that leaves two possibilities in my mind:
a) The magnetic field is undergoing slight changes in field =
strength with the actual counterpressure of the carbon being levitated=
.. Hard to imagine with the relative strengths of the permanent magnet=
s -- but still a possibility.=20
There is no reason to suppose that the tiny reaction is in any way 'rou=
gh' or inelastic.=20
b) The carbon diamagnetic properties exhibit a domain phenom=
enon in a similar vein to the ferromagnetic properties of iron. =20
The diamagnetic materials don't form domains. The domains in some ferro=
us materials are a property of the close coupled interaction in that partic=
ular crystal stucture between the iron atoms. But you DO get alloys contain=
ing a high proportion of iron which are NOT ferro-magnetic !! eg the Austen=
itic Stainless Steels. =20
While the field strength at the magnet's surface is likely to vary alon=
g the length, the levitation is maybe 1/2 to 1 mm, but small quakes are mea=
sured in 10s of nano metres, maybe 1/10,000 of this.
In a more blue sky way of reasoning, project the following thoughts:
1) Dr. Randall Peters has brought to this list the interesting c=
oncepts of mesoscale damping. Part of what I take away from that conc=
ept is that as we burrow down in dimension, the concept of an amorphou=
s solid with smooth mathematically described properties breaks down. =
Just as ferrous magnetics were thought to be smooth, the discovery of =
Barkhausen noise was discovered early on to be the individual magnetic=
domains switching. Diamagnetic properties come from electron proper=
ties of masses of atoms just as the ferrous magnetic properties do. S=
o, atoms can move within a "solid". The most stable solids are crysta=
lline in nature, where the atoms are locked in both space and orientat=
ion. The big question, "Would a crystalline diamagnetic solid exhib=
it this magnetIc "roughness", perhaps equivalent to the Barkhausen noi=
se? The experiment to perform here is to use a Barkhausen test =
setup, but substitute carbon for iron. =20
Charles R. Patton
On 7/9/2012 9:34 AM, chrisatupw@....... wrote:=20
From: Bob McClure bobmcclure90@.........
Sent: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 15:02
Subject: Re: diamagnetic levitation seismometer possibility
I, too, have carried out diamagnetic levitation experiment=
s similar to those by Meredith Lamb. Although the large am=
plitude motion looks smooth and frictionless, what I concl=
uded for very small amplitudes, such is not the case. The =
supporting magnetic field has small-scale roughness, and t=
he levitated graphite tends to hung up in the hills and =
valleys of the resulting force.=20
I don't understand this. I would only expect 'field roughness' to show up f=
or linear motions comparable to the levitation height, of 1/2 to 1 mm, NOT =
for tiny movements of ~100 nano metres.=20
One problem that I had with levitating graphite was due to it's propens=
ity to pick up lint, hairs and dust. These can and do effect a very light s=
lider. Another problem is the extremely high field gradients at the edges o=
f the magnets picks up magnetic and paramagnetic dust only too easily. I cl=
ean magnets using a roll of PVC tape - you stick it onto the surface and th=
en peel it of with the rubbish attached.
Chris Chapman
Interesting observations about the
possibility of diamagnetic roughness. This brings up two
1) By the current theories of magnetic flux lines as I understand
them, there is no possibility for them to exhibit "kinks or
roughness" at the scales and method of field generation we're
Hi Charles,
That is =
correct as I understand it. Flux lines in free space are often curved, but =
never kinky!
2) So that leaves two possibilities in my mind:
a) The magnetic field is undergoing slight changes=
in field
strength with the actual counterpressure of the carbon being
levitated. Hard to imagine with the relative strengths of the
permanent magnets -- but still a possibility.
There is=
no reason to suppose that the tiny reaction is in any way 'rough' or inela=
b) The carbon diamagnetic properties exhibit a dom=
phenomenon in a similar vein to the ferromagnetic properties of
The diam=
agnetic materials don't form domains. The domains in some ferrous mate=
rials are a property of the close coupled interaction in that particular&nb=
sp;crystal stucture between the iron atoms. But you DO get alloys cont=
aining a high proportion of iron which are NOT ferro-magnetic !! eg th=
e Austenitic Stainless Steels.
While th=
e field strength at the magnet's surface is likely to vary along the length=
, the levitation is maybe 1/2 to 1 mm, but small quakes are measured i=
n 10s of nano metres, maybe 1/10,000 of this.
In a more blue sky way of reasoning, project=
the following
1) Dr. Randall Peters has brought to this list the interesting
concepts of mesoscale damping. Part of what I take away from th=
concept is that as we burrow down in dimension, the concept of an
amorphous solid with smooth mathematically described properties
breaks down. Just as ferrous magnetics were thought to be smoot=
the discovery of Barkhausen noise was discovered early on to be
the individual magnetic domains switching. Diamagnetic
properties come from electron properties of masses of atoms just
as the ferrous magnetic properties do. So, atoms can move withi=
a "solid". The most stable solids are crystalline in nature,
where the atoms are locked in both space and orientation. =
big question, "Would a crystalline diamagnetic solid exhibit this
magnetIc "roughness", perhaps equivalent to the Barkhausen noise?&nbs=
The experiment to perform here is to use a Barkhausen test
setup, but substitute carbon for iron. =
Charles R. Patton
On 7/9/2012 9:34 AM,
chrisatupw@....... wrote:
From: Bob McClure bobmcclure90@.........
Sent: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 15:02
Subject: Re: diamagnetic levitation seismometer possibility
I, too, have carried out diamagnetic levitation
experiments similar to those by Meredith Lamb.
Although the large amplitude motion looks smooth and
frictionless, what I concluded for very small
amplitudes, such is not the case. The supporting
magnetic field has small-scale roughness, and the
levitated graphite tends to hung up in the hills and
valleys of the resulting force.
I don't understand this. I would only expect 'field roughn=
ess' to show up for linear motions comparable to the levitation height, of =
1/2 to 1 mm, NOT for tiny movements of ~100 nano metres.
One problem that I had with levita=
ting graphite was due to it's propensity to pick up lint, hairs and dust.&n=
bsp;These can and do effect a very light slider. Another problem is th=
e extremely high field gradients at the edges of the magnets picks up magne=
tic and paramagnetic dust only too easily. I clean magnets using a roll of =
PVC tape - you stick it onto the surface and then peel it of with the rubbi=
sh attached.
Chris Chapman=
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