PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Op-Amp e-book
From: Brett Nordgren brett3nt@.............
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2013 10:29:27 -0500
To all,
Dave put me on to an old book he seems to like a lot, which includes
an extensive collection of op-amp circuits, even including things
like negative-impedance designs. It was written in the days of
analog computers where operational amplifier circuits were being used
to generate models of electrical and mechanical systems. Ever
wondered why they are called "operational" amplifiers? The answer is
in the book.
Having been written at a time (1965) when op-amp circuits were being
used as computers, it covers the fundamentals in considerable detail
before it goes on to the fancy stuff, which is helpful for people
like me. It was originally published by long-gone Philbrick Corp.
and even describes some vacuum-tube op amps. Now it is archived on
the Analog Devices Web site.
Be aware that it's pretty big, about 75MB.
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