PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Omnidirectional instrument
From: Geoff gmvoeth@.........
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2013 12:52:23 +0000
On 1/1/2013 7:48 PM, Tangazazen@....... wrote:
> Hi Geoff,
> With regard to photo resistors, Chris is right they are not really
> suitable. A silicon optical sensor is very flexible. If you want to
> eliminate flicker noise altogether then modulate an LED light source
> at say 5Kc/s where it is free of flicker noise and then use a phase
> sensitive rectifier. The effective noise bandwidth is then the
> reciprocal of a quarter of the phase sensitive rectifier time
> constant. This is the technique I us on the orthogonal seismic
> sensor. Take it one step further by fitting a magnetic force unit and
> close the loop and you have a broadband system whose lower frequency
> response is set by the feedback network.
> Martin
Howdy Martin,
Its Obvious here yous guys are deeper
in this field then I ever can be.
I will save this email for future reference as well as others.
But i doubt my ability to ever use these ideas.
Thanks for your feed-backs.
Hi Geoff,
With regard to photo resistors, Chris is right they are not
really suitable. A silicon optical sensor is very flexible.
If you want to eliminate flicker noise altogether then
modulate an LED light source at say 5Kc/s where it is free of
flicker noise and then use a phase sensitive rectifier. The
effective noise bandwidth is then the reciprocal of a quarter
of the phase sensitive rectifier time constant. This is the
technique I us on the orthogonal seismic sensor. Take it one
step further by fitting a magnetic force unit and close the
loop and you have a broadband system whose lower frequency
response is set by the feedback network.
Howdy Martin,
Its Obvious here yous guys are deeper
in this field then I ever can be.
I will save this email for future reference as well as others.
But i doubt my ability to ever use these ideas.
Thanks for your feed-backs.
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