PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: OP-Amp recommendation
From: Geoff gmvoeth@...........
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 02:27:29 +0000
On 1/19/2013 11:16 PM=2C Tiago A. wrote:
> Hi.
> I=B4m looking a op-amp to do some tests:
> -Single 5V or 3.3V supply
> -PDIP package.
> -For L15B geophones=2C mainly for local events...up to 10Hz.
> -Only going to work with 1 channel.
> -The A/D is ADS1211P.
> Does someone recommend a op-amp?
> Thanks.
> Best Regards.
> Tiago.
I have not seen an amp which will deal
with a source voltage under 6V but for
6V or more I recommend the OP177G for
use with a single supply using another
OP177G wired for unity gain with a
reference of 1/2 that voltage to use
as a small signal ground.
You must remember here that the OP177G does
not go RAIL to RAIL so if you want to
use B+ or B- as ground you will need a
UNITY gain OP177G with the + input tied to
B+ or B- for ground references.
B+ then or so will B- seem to float at the proper extreme
to use as a ground.
If you use a split supply the smallest will be
+/- 3.0 Volts.
It works fine for me either way.
I am no engineer but these ideas seem
to work well for myself.
It is by the Entropy that I set my mind in motion.
Entropy is the seeking of equilibrium.
It is by the Entropy that I set my mind in motion.
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