PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Water/Laser geophone instrumentation
From: "Ted Channel" tchannel@............
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 12:35:23 -0600
Thanks for the article, this answered my questions.
From: "Charles R Patton"
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: Water/Laser geophone instrumentation
> Ted,
> Check out the PSN email
> VBB-BB Tiltmeter info
> 5/5/2001 11:45 PM
> from S-T Morrissey
> This was the project he was working on just before he died.
> In addition a Chris email references the NSF (National Science
> Foundation) paper:
> Check out the PSN email
> Re: Morrissey Balance-beam Tiltmeter
> From:ChrisAtUpw@.......
> Date:Thu, 25 Dec 2008 22:40:21 EST
> This contains info that the project was finished. I have a copy of the
> NSF proposal (not the final report). It includes data on proposed
> sensitivity, notes on balance beam construction and proposed transducer
> methods and problems. I will email the 1.05MB file to interested
> folks. I don't have the final report mentioned by Chris.
> The abstract mentioned above is:
> ********start quote*******
> Abstract submitted for 2000 fall AGU meeting:
> Updated 10 December, 2000
> A Beam-Balance Broadband Tiltmeter That is Insensitive to Horizontal
> Acceleration.
> Sean-Thomas Morrissey (Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, St.Louis
> University, 3507 Laclede; St. Louis MO, 63103; 314 977 3129;
> sean@.............
> A new broadband seismic instrument has been developed that is sensitive
> only to "pure" tilt and not to horizontal acceleration.
> A new beam-balance tiltmeter has been developed that does not respond to
> horizontal ground movement. Since all horizontal seismometers are also
> tiltmeters they are sensitive to tilt, especially at longer periods, and
> seismic data can be compromised in the period range of 20 to 3000
> seconds. The most important noise source in the horizontal data is
> tilting of the pier, mostly due to barometric loading. But all
> tiltmeters, up to now, are also seismometers, (ie. they are sensitive to
> horizontal translation), so can not be used to separate tilt noise from
> seismic signals.
> Our new beam balance tiltmeter does not respond to horizontal
> acceleration because the masses at each end of the horizontal beam are
> suspended through the exact center of mass. This system is inherently
> unstable, so broadband feedback is used to control it. With appropriate
> feedback, the beam remains relatively horizontal when the base is
> tilted, and the output is the relative motion at the displacement
> detector. There is no rotation or output when the base is translated
> horizontally along the axis of the beam.
> The beam-balance tiltmeter is designed with separated lead masses
> mounted in an aluminum bar that is suspended exactly at the center of
> mass of the horizontal beam with a new low torque hinge flexure. The
> center of mass is trimmed by a unique vertical mass centering adjustment
> above the flexures. Displacement transducers and compact force feedback
> coils with rare-earth magnets are placed at both ends of the beam.
> Three sensors have been assembled as "proof of concept" prototypes. One
> instrument is operating at station CCMO, near Saint Louis University,
> and data from it are being digitized. Another is on a table and can be
> used to demonstrate that tilt can be separated from horizontal
> acceleration by simply sliding it horizontally. The static or DC tilt
> sensitivity of the prototype is about 120 millivolts per microradian,
> and the resolution is better than 0.1 nanoradian. Initial comparisons
> using data generated by large quakes on the horizontal components of
> nearby broadband seismic stations (18 km distant) show that the response
> to horizontal acceleration is reduced by a factor greater than 1000
> while maintaining the equalivant tilt sensitivity of the seismometer.
> Ideally, the noise recorded in the tiltmeter output will exactly emulate
> the tilt noise from the seismometer, at least in the flat portions of
> their broadband velocity response. The success of this new instrument
> has a tremendous implications for broadband stations in all regions of
> the world where tilting from barometric, thermal, hydrologic, etc.,
> effects may limit the usefulness of the horizontal data.
> *********end********
> Regards,
> Charles R. Patton
> On 6/11/2013 8:19 AM, Ted Channel wrote:
>> Hi All, Chris your rain gutter idea is very interesting too. Is
>> there a pict illustrating the version of the Cascades used?
>> Here is a different question... Picture a perfectly balanced beam,
>> on a center pivot, just like a see-saw, with two kids of similar mass.
>> Would this beam tend to remain fixed during an earthquake? I can
>> visualize, how a diving board with a person on the end would respond,
>> with the mass moving differently from the earth. But I don't know if
>> the see-saw, would tend to remain fixed/level as the earth isolated
>> during an event.
>> cheers, Ted
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