PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: Help .... Wrong time on uploaded file
From: Dave Nelson dave.nelson@...............
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 21:34:57 +1000
Hi Barry
thanks for your response, sorry for my late response ... things went from
bad to
worse last sunday. right in the middle of that M6.5 from central New Zealand.
I could see the quake on the screen, but I couldnt access the data when
doing a
replay, then everything crashed.
Turned out the HDD had failed and initially the SDR prog was still
running but it
wasnt writing to the HDD.
Sunday nite was spent installing a replacement HDD and installing Windows XP
Monday nite was spent searching for ethernet drivers for the motherboard and
getting the PC back onto the net.
Fortunately I was able to recover my 4 channel .ini files and transfer them
to the
replacement drive and restore those settings :)
the seismogram is now again viewable at ... and a couple of other places
that host
PSN seismograms
At 10:58 PM 7/21/2013, you wrote:
>I have run into this a few times. You might check what the log viewer
>says. You might try to close winsdr and restart it.
>From: Dave Nelson
>To: psnlist@..............
>Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 9:26 PM
>Subject: Help .... Wrong time on uploaded file
>Hi to all
>my uploaded image from WinSDR has started a oddball fault
>its showing the incorrect time down the side of the display it's 2 hours
>the clock on the SDR computer is correct. The SDR screen is showing the
>time at the bottom both in UTC and local time. So why is it uploading the
>gif image
>with the incorrect time displayed ??
>help/thoughts would be appreciated :)
>Dave N
Hi Barry
thanks for your response, sorry for my late response ... things
went from bad to
worse last sunday. right in the middle of that M6.5 from central New
I could see the quake on the screen, but I couldnt access the data when
doing a
replay, then everything crashed.
Turned out the HDD had failed and initially the SDR prog was still
running but it
wasnt writing to the HDD.
Sunday nite was spent installing a replacement HDD and installing
Windows XP
Monday nite was spent searching for ethernet drivers for the motherboard
getting the PC back onto the net.
Fortunately I was able to recover my 4 channel .ini files and transfer
them to the
replacement drive and restore those settings :)
the seismogram is now again viewable at ...
and a couple of other places that host
PSN seismograms
At 10:58 PM 7/21/2013, you wrote:
I have run into this a few times. You might check what the log viewer
says. You might try to close winsdr and restart it.
From: Dave Nelson
To: psnlist@..............
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 9:26 PM
Subject: Help .... Wrong time on uploaded file
Hi to all
my uploaded image from WinSDR has started a oddball fault
its showing the incorrect time down the side of the display it's 2 hours
the clock on the SDR computer is correct. The SDR screen is showing the
time at the bottom both in UTC and local time. So why is it uploading the
gif image
with the incorrect time displayed ??
help/thoughts would be appreciated :)
Dave N
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