PSN-L Email List Message
Subject: Re: nice online Opamp Input Noise Voltage Tutorial
From: Brett Nordgren brett3nt@.............
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 10:38:12 -0400
I agree with you, Dave S has found a very nice tutorial. It's
probably worth watching more than once. I note that Dave N regularly
uses a similar H-P DSA instrument to measure the overall noise
performance of his seismometers.
At 01:18 AM 9/30/2013, you wrote:
>VunderBar, I have never seen a better lecture on NOISE.
>What is the noise at DC ?? it seems a voltage regulator might do better.
Not sure how a voltage regulator applies here. Just an aside: When I
was designing power supplies we talked about noise as something you
could see on an oscilloscope and drift as something you could see on
a meter. Now with seismometers we're working with 'noise' that's
sometimes so low in frequency that it's hard to see even on a meter
and has to be digitally recorded and analyzed later.
Actually, DC by definition, does not vary, and so has zero
noise. Attempting to plot the noise spectrum of a DC signal using an
FFT would give zero at all frequencies, except that in practice FFT's
usually think there's a big step at the beginning, from 0 to the DC
value, so they will be showing noise that's not really there in the
DC. That effect can be minimized by starting out slowly turning up
the voltage to its final DC value in a carefully planned way.
>I have heard below 1Hz you want to use bipolar devices only ??
The choice of bipolar vs FET input devices is more a function of the
impedance of the source device being measured. For an electrometer
or pH meter (very high impedance) FETs might be better. For
thermocouple measurements (very low impedance) bipolars are
definitely best. In our circuits bipolars do quite well, even in
some rather high resistance circuits, and so far Dave N hasn't found
any FET devices that exhibit as low noise in his circuits.
There's also the possibility of using an auto-zero (chopper)
device. They work well with both high and low impedance sensors, but
they are at their best at low frequencies, below a few Hz. Above
that their noise specs can be significantly worse than ordinary
Op-Amps. Again, in real circuits, Dave has found that his ordinary
op-amps do somewhat better than any of the auto-zero parts he has tried.
>What about cosmic rays and ...
Sure, but they are relatively rare and the probability of an ion
hitting a sensitive spot on an IC would seem to be rather small. On
average they don't add significantly to the total noise level. In
space however.......
>I hear that diodes can be used for a geiger counter and
>op amps are full of diodes.
I think diode detectors work best at higher flux levels as their
sensitive areas tend to be small. They also use diodes which are
specially designed for the purpose (expensive). Ion chambers and
scintillation counters can have large volumes and are much more
sensitive to low radiation flux
>There has to be one best opamp for 100Hz to 100seconds,
>What Op Amp is it ??
Unfortunately, the choice will depend entirely on the circuit it is
being used in. In the FBV designs, after much testing, the AD706 has
proven to be a truly excellent all-around device. It is possible
that some of the newer surface-mount parts might be slightly better,
but so far we have tried to stay with DIP devices to make for easier assembly.
Hope that helps,
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